Today: Wednesday, 12 March 2025


The Role of Gossip and Backbiting in Undermining Family Health and Stability from a Psychological Perspective
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 60 - 68
Author(s) : maryam nilipour* 1

1 Visiting Professor, isfahan university of Quran and etrat studies

Abstract :
Backbiting, defined as speaking ill of others in their absence, is explicitly prohibited in the Qur'an and the traditions of both major Islamic schools of thought. Islamic jurisprudence also considers it among the forbidden acts. This behavior has destructive effects on human relationships and communities, both small and large. Undoubtedly, the critical foundation of family life is also affected by the harms of this reprehensible act. While the detrimental effects of backbiting are generally discussed in religious texts, psychological studies provide insights into factors that strengthen and maintain family health through empirical observation and research. By investigating the impact of backbiting on undermining these psychological factors, it is possible to measure the extent to which this unethical behavior influences family health and marital success. Understanding how backbiting causes harm and identifying strategies to prevent it can significantly contribute to family stability and well-being. In this study, psychological findings on the factors that support family resilience and health were analyzed, and the role of backbiting in weakening these factors was examined using an analytical approach. The identified harms include diminished self-disclosure, alienation, chronic anger, erosion of trust, loss of familial support, and obstacles to intimacy. Strategies for prevention include adherence to divine commands, practicing gratitude, granting the right to make mistakes, and fostering closeness within the family.
Keywords :
Backbiting, health, resilience, family