Today: Wednesday, 23 October 2024


Protection of journalists and media actors in the practices of the Council of Europe Human Rights
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 1 - 23
Author(s) : Sanaz Jafarzadeh* 1

1 Master of Human Rights, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran

Abstract :
At the heart of the high value of democracy and human rights is the right of every individual to receive and impart information. Freedom of expression is one of the basic conditions for the progress of society and the progress of every individual. This is especially true of the practice of transmitting information and ideas in the public interest. Journalism guarantees the survival of the free flow of information and the access of all people to different ideas and opinions. Currently, we continue to see a significant increase in various forms of violence and abuse against journalists and media activists, including physical attacks, intimidation, targeted surveillance, and cyberbullying. Around the world, we now see a wide range of political and governmental tools and actions aimed at silencing critical voices and freedom of expression, and the free flow of information and ideas in an environment where media professionals are physically attacked, intimidated and retaliated against. They get pressured. In the meantime, the Council of Europe supports the freedom of expression of the media, journalists and other media activists through the European Convention on Human Rights, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, as well as the setting of standards by various bodies, in particular the Committee of Ministers. It has done something special that is not comparable in its kind to other regional human rights systems. It is hoped that the member states of the Council of Europe, and in particular those that do not have a brilliant track record of respecting this fundamental right in their political record, will make significant progress in the coming years. Keywords: Free speech, Journalists, Council of Europe Human Rights
Keywords :
Free speech, Journalists, Council of Europe Human Rights