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The right of access to a lawyer from the point of view of the criminal procedure law and international documents
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 48 - 59
Author(s) : hosein bighdeli * 1

1 islamic zazd university

Abstract :
alternatives. Learn more Abstract One of the most important developments in the new criminal procedure law is that as soon as a person is under surveillance as an accused, he can request to meet with a defense lawyer. In this meeting, which should not last more than an hour, it is necessary to pay attention to the confidentiality of the investigation and negotiations, and at the end, the defense lawyer can present the points that will protect his client's rights in writing to be included in the file and for the first time in the record. The legality of non-compliance of this right with the guarantee of executions has been taken into consideration. The purpose of this research is to examine the right of access to a lawyer in the Criminal Procedure Law approved in 2012, amended in 2014. The point in this law that marked the beginning of a growing development in the criminal system of the country for the society is the task of informing and explaining the right to have a lawyer to the accused by the investigator during the preliminary investigation stage, which must be done before the investigator begins the investigation. to be So that even this right should be stated in the summons and the accused's lawyer can state the things he deems necessary to discover the truth and defend the accused or to enforce the law after learning about the accusation and its reasons, and of course These statements are written in the form of the parliament. Finally, it can be said that, in general, the new law of criminal procedure, especially in regard to the rights of individuals in having a defense lawyer, has made an acceptable development, and it is hoped that with the greater assistance of the country's judicial system and lawyers, the legislator will achieve criminal justice and discover the truth. To be provided more quickly. Key words: right of access to a lawyer, rights of the accused, fair trial, procedural law ​
Keywords :
Key words: right of access to a lawyer, rights of the accused, fair trial, procedural law