Today: Wednesday, 12 March 2025


Analysis of economic and political structure of border province of Sistan and Baluchistan in line with economic development with Pakistan
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 85 - 93
Author(s) : Hamid Gamshadzehi* 1


Abstract :
Abstract: One of the new fields in the field of planning studies is the country's border areas. The main question of the current research is how to use the scientific advantages of territorial planning to prepare a complete and comprehensive list of the capabilities of the economic and political structures of Sistan and Baluchistan province and to use them in order to expand economic relations with the country of Pakistan. That the territorial settlement of Sistan and Baluchistan with emphasis on Pakistan will affect the development of economic relations with Pakistan? The hypothesis that we are trying to analyze and explain to answer this question is this - it seems that spatial planning by examining and analyzing the economic and political structure of the border province of Sistan and Baluchistan with an emphasis on Pakistan can provide a road map for the development of Iran-Pakistan relations Spatial Strategic Planning in Border Regions. The results of this article show that in a province like Sistan and Baluchistan with very long borders and diversity of geography and diversity of economic and political opinions in Pakistan, which suffers from weakness and instability ,and also, the confrontation between the arrogant American system and Iran requires close attention to the Issue of spatial planning, taking into account the military aspects, which is very important. The problem of the current research is how to take advantage of the scientific advantages of spatial planning in order to use them for expanding the relations between Iran and Pakistan. In this research, by using the descriptive and analytical research method, we have first studied the principles of spatial planning and theoretical foundations in this regard, and then we have studied the principles of border planning using theoretical foundations in this regard. And then we examine and analyze the economic and political structure of Sistan and Baluchistan province in line with the development of relations between Iran and Pakistan in the border province of Sistan and Baluchistan. The data collection method is library and using scientific-research articles
Keywords :
Spatial planning , economic structure, political structure, border, Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran, Pakistan.