Today: Wednesday, 12 March 2025


The Role of Risk Management in Technology Transfer Projects Control in the Filed of Electronic Banking
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 94 - 103
Author(s) : FATEMEH MOGHADASI* 1 , Amir Tayebi 2 , Ahmad Setak 3 , Peyman Abbasi 4

1 Head of Research & Development of BMICC


3 Planning Department Manager of BMICC

4 Planning Expert of BMICC

Abstract :
Due to the continuous growth of technology, the banking industry is entering new phenomena of competition. Recently, with increasing awareness about technology, electronic banking has also become important, so the technology transfer is considered as one of the essential principles of technological development. On the other hand, with the virtual space maturity, there is a strong argument about new methods of assessing and managing risks to increase project’s reliability. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of management and risk assessment in controlling technology transfer projects in electronic banking, by collecting descriptive-analytical information. In this research, the importance of risk management as well as the assessment of key risks in the failure of technology transfer projects have been discussed by forming a focus group of technology transfer bank managers through a questionnaire. This research shows that almost 90% of the respondents believed that insufficient knowledge and lack of application of new methods and technologies are among the effective factors in the failure of technology transfer projects in electronic banking. Also, more than 90% of them believed that providing non-expert opinions of project decision makers can be one of the management factors in the failure of these projects.
Keywords :
Technology Transfer, Electronic Banking, Risk Assessment and Management