Today: Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Social Sciences
New legal studies
Identifying, structuring, ranking and implementing factors affecting organizational citizenship behavior and investigating its impact on organizational productivity using ISM and TOPSIS methods
(Case study: Iran Cable Manufacturing Company)
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 1 - 17
Author(s) : Armin Kakaeinezhad* 1 , Kimia Ghobadi 2 , Cesilia heard 3 , Maryam keshtzari 4 , Mehrdad pourshahian 5
1 Master\'s Degree in Industrial Engineering, Iran Cable Manufacturing Company
2 PHD in Industrial Engineering, University of Johns Hopkins
3 PHD in Industrial Engineering, University of Central Florida
4 PHD in Human Resource Management, University of San Diego
5 Master of Executive Management, Iran Cable Manufacturing Company
Abstract :
In organizations, organizational behavior management plays a significant role in employee performance, and paying attention to organizational ethics is a tool for improving organizational performance. The purpose of this article is to identify, structure and rank the factors affecting organizational citizenship behavior in the context of a manufacturing plant (Iran Cable Manufacturing Company). The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of method. In this research, firstly, the effective factors on organizational citizen behavior were identified and finalized. For this purpose, by conducting library studies, 6 factors have been identified and for the purpose of finalization, a questionnaire has been designed and it has reached the opinion of all the people of the organization. These six factors include: 1- Job satisfaction 2- Organizational commitment 3- Job identity 4- Organizational justice 5- Leadership style 6- Individual personality traits. All six factors were confirmed by designing and using a Delphi questionnaire based on Lavshe. And also, the productivity of the organization includes 1- increasing the amount of production 2- reducing the production time 3- reducing the amount of waste 4- reducing the breakdowns of production devices 5- consumption of raw materials 6- rework was identified and designed and according to the opinion and approval of the experts of the organization which includes the managers of the organization. After confirming the factors, the ISM questionnaire was designed and submitted to experts, and the relationships between the factors were measured. Finally, factors were ranked by TOPSIS method. The ranking of the factors in order is: 1- Leadership style 2- Job satisfaction 3- Individual personality traits 4- Organizational justice 5- Organizational identity 6- Organizational commitment. And in the end, the results show the effective role of organizational citizenship behavior in the productivity of the organization and the main hypothesis of the research, “organizational citizenship behavior is effective on the productivity of the organization” is confirmed
In organizations, organizational behavior management plays a significant role in employee performance, and paying attention to organizational ethics is a tool for improving organizational performance. The purpose of this article is to identify, structure and rank the factors affecting organizational citizenship behavior in the context of a manufacturing plant (Iran Cable Manufacturing Company). The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of method. In this research, firstly, the effective factors on organizational citizen behavior were identified and finalized. For this purpose, by conducting library studies, 6 factors have been identified and for the purpose of finalization, a questionnaire has been designed and it has reached the opinion of all the people of the organization. These six factors include: 1- Job satisfaction 2- Organizational commitment 3- Job identity 4- Organizational justice 5- Leadership style 6- Individual personality traits. All six factors were confirmed by designing and using a Delphi questionnaire based on Lavshe. And also, the productivity of the organization includes 1- increasing the amount of production 2- reducing the production time 3- reducing the amount of waste 4- reducing the breakdowns of production devices 5- consumption of raw materials 6- rework was identified and designed and according to the opinion and approval of the experts of the organization which includes the managers of the organization. After confirming the factors, the ISM questionnaire was designed and submitted to experts, and the relationships between the factors were measured. Finally, factors were ranked by TOPSIS method. The ranking of the factors in order is: 1- Leadership style 2- Job satisfaction 3- Individual personality traits 4- Organizational justice 5- Organizational identity 6- Organizational commitment. And in the end, the results show the effective role of organizational citizenship behavior in the productivity of the organization and the main hypothesis of the research, “organizational citizenship behavior is effective on the productivity of the organization” is confirmed
Keywords :
organizational citizenship behavior, ISM method, TOPSIS method, OPA method.
organizational citizenship behavior, ISM method, TOPSIS method, OPA method.